Bienvenue à MailTimers Support

Nous sommes là pour aider. Contactez nous: [email protected]

Questions fréquemment posées

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes – you can downgrade your account from a paid plan to Free at any time. You’ll still remain paid plan up until the days you already paid for run out.

Are payments secure?

Payments are processed using Reliability of are certified by GoDaddy Secure Web Site, Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.

Can you invoice me?

Yes! We offer invoicing for annual plans, except for the Startup plan.

What counts as an impression?

An impression is counted every time an email containing your timer is opened. This means that if a recipient opens the email more than once, multiple impressions will be recorded and deducted from your monthly views. Unopened emails do not count as impressions.

What happens if I go over my open limit?

Do not worry, the timers will continue to work and we will contact you to suggest a plan that is more suitable for you, or we can charge you for additional views (for the price of 1 view in the current plan)

Can I change my payment plan later?

Absolutely. If you decide you need more or less opens, you can upgrade or downgrade at any time.

Is there an annual plan?

While most of our customers sign up for monthly plans, we do offer an annual plan. You can switch between our Startup Annually, Business Annually or Corporation Annually.

Do you have a free trial?

You can choose a MailTimers Free Plan and get 100,000 views every month. But to get more than 100,000 views, you’ll need to choose one of our premium plans starting at just $7.99!

How do your countdowns work?

Our generator creates dynamic, real-time, animated GIF countdown timers.

What payments types are accepted?

We accept PayPal, all major credit cards.